Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made of a composite resin and attached to the outer surface of your teeth. This minimally-invasive procedure can be done chairside in one appointment, as Dr. Lisa will match the resin to the shade of your natural teeth for a more authentic look. After the resin is added, cured, and polished, you’ll be ready to show off your new smile right away.

Veneers in Studio City

Cosmetic Dentistry in Studio City

Get the Smile of Your Dreams

If you’re unhappy with the aesthetics of your smile, these problems run deeper than mere cosmetic issues. Having discolored, damaged, misaligned, or awkwardly shaped teeth can cause us a lot of insecurity which takes a toll on our overall well-being. 

This may lead to social avoidance, missed career opportunities, lower self-esteem, and feeling like we’re missing out on our best selves. 

With cosmetic dentistry, we can help you realize your smile’s potential through a series of treatments that can revolutionize the appearance of your teeth and facial features, because feeling secure with your smile is just as important as being healthy. Contact us at Image LA Dental & Photo Studio today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lisa.

 Virtual Consultations

We partner with you to help you achieve your smile goals in Studio City, keeping you informed of all of your options and considering things like your budget, timeline, and of course, your desired outcome. A virtual consultation allows Dr. Lisa the chance to go over all of this with you, listen to your goals, and develop a plan to help achieve them together.

Book Your Consult
cosmetic dentistry in Studio City

What are the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry improves your overall smile to reveal a more youthful appearance. This is done through minimally invasive treatments that are carefully crafted to suit your individual needs. 

We are able to shade-match tooth restorations, bonding, and veneers to your natural teeth or you can opt to go lighter. We offer various different options to treat your cosmetic problems, ranging in lifespan, length of treatment, and cost. There’s something for everyone’s budget and schedule. 

Did you know that having a beautiful smile can make you seem more intelligent, competent, and nicer to others? According to studies, improving your smile can cause a halo effect, where other people associate more positive attributes with a beautiful smile. 

In fact, having a great smile was one of the greatest physical attributes linked to success. Investing in your smile can actually help further your career, expand your social network, and make a great impression on people you are just meeting.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

call (818) 821-0474 today!

Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry

Modern dentistry should be comfortable and convenient—that’s why our approach is minimally invasive, designed to keep you as pain-free as possible. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, we’re able to deliver minimally invasive care that puts your comfort first.

Studio City smile makeovers

Cosmetic Treatment Options At Image LA Dental & Photo Studio

Teeth Whitening

Our dentists in Studio City offer various whitening treatments for every type of discoloration, whitening preference, and level of sensitivity. Whether you want to whiten your teeth in the dental chair, from home, or for an accelerated teeth whitening boost with Zoom whitening. Lighten the shade of your teeth by up to 10 shades for special events, formal photos, or a boost of confidence.

We can help you determine which whitening method is more suitable for you, the condition of your teeth, and your cosmetic goals.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is the use of tooth-colored resin that is bonded to the teeth to cover up cosmetic imperfections, repair tooth damage or enamel erosion, and improve the shade of your teeth. Bonding is incredibly versatile and offers both cosmetic and restorative benefits. ‍

If you have an exposed root, thin teeth, or a chipped tooth, bonding will repair and strengthen your enamel, making it more resistant to damage and protecting you from an infection. We can use bonding to cover up a lot of cosmetic issues but it can also be used to entirely change the size and shape of your teeth.


Enameloplasty is also called tooth contouring and it’s the process of shaving down your enamel to change its size or shape. This is usually done in preparation for another cosmetic treatment. Enameloplasty is performed before applying veneers or dental crowns to prevent the restorations from sticking out. ‍

Tooth contouring is also commonly paired with dental bonding to dramatically alter a tooth’s size or shape. You may have teeth that are too long, sharp, or jagged, or that are overlapping other teeth. This can be corrected with enameloplasty.‍

Cosmetic Makeovers

When patients have multiple cosmetic problems that they want to address with cosmetic dentistry, a cosmetic makeover is the best way to achieve that. We will create a tailor-made cosmetic treatment plan to correct the various areas of your smile that you want to improve. ‍This can involve combining multiple cosmetic treatments that will balance each other and work harmoniously.

This may involve replacing missing teeth, improving discoloration, correcting misalignment with Invisalign, removing wrinkles around the mouth, or elongating the teeth. ‍We will create a digital smile design with advanced dental software and you will be able to review the proposed treatment plan and provide feedback until you’re happy with the mock-up of your smile. This is the exact model of your teeth that you will end up with once treatment is over.‍


A veneer is a porcelain shell that covers up an array of cosmetic tooth problems, from discoloration and damage to minor orthodontic problems and altering the shape and size of the teeth. ‍

Veneers can produce a permanent whitening boost, enlarge the teeth, repair chips and cracks, close gaps, and cover up misalignment. Veneers are a worthwhile investment because they are made of stain-resistant durable porcelain that lasts for 15 years.


A Lumineer can be thought of as a no-prep or reversible veneer. A Lumineer functions in the same way and is made of the same materials as veneers but they are much thinner. This is the key difference between the two. ‍Because Lumineers are only .2 mm thick, we can bond them to your teeth without needing to remove any enamel.

With your natural teeth left untouched, lumineers are reversible, meaning you can have them removed at any point without damaging your natural teeth. ‍The thin material also means they are slightly more transparent than opaque, however, and may not be as suitable for covering severe discoloration.‍


Dermal fillers can be used to inject volume into certain areas of the face or lips, creating the illusion of plumpness and youth. Fillers can be used to reshape features of the face, prevent sagging skin, and smooth out wrinkles. ‍Filler is injected into the face beneath the skin, causing your skin to look supple, soft, hydrated, and plump.

Whether you wish your lips were fuller or want to correct an asymmetrical face, fillers will “fill” out areas of the face that are lacking support. ‍When administered strategically, we can also improve the appearance of certain facial features by sculpting and contouring the face.‍


The cosmetic benefits of Botox are well understood, with its ability to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, treat gummy smiles, and reduce frown lines. However, it can also be used to improve bruxism, TMJ/TMD, and headaches, as well as improve the fit of dentures by relaxing your muscles.

Botox can improve your facial features, which will make you look younger and complement the best features of your smile. Its use in preventing teeth grinding, pain, and jaw immobility can also improve patients’ quality of life.‍


Have Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry? 
Find Answers Here!

How do I choose a cosmetic dentist?

Choosing a the right cosmetic dentist can be an overwhelming process. While a dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dentist, it's essential to find someone who has legitimate experience, a reputation for excellent work, and can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

At Image LA Dental + Photo Studio, Dr. Lisa Vallesteros has years of experience under her belt. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a gentle touch, Dr. Vallesteros works closely with each patient to tailor treatments to their specific needs and goals.

Do cosmetic treatments improve my oral health?

Yes! Cosmetic treatments can provide numerous benefits for your oral health. Restoring or replacing missing teeth, for instance, can improve your ability to chew and speak properly. In addition, aligning crooked teeth with Invisalign can reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, as straighter teeth are easier to clean and maintain. Teeth whitening can also remove stubborn stains that toothbrushes and floss cannot reach, promoting a brighter, healthier-looking smile. While aesthetic considerations are important, cosmetic dentistry can enhance both the appearance and the health of your smile.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made of a composite resin and attached to the outer surface of your teeth. This minimally-invasive procedure can be done chairside in one appointment, as Dr. Lisa will match the resin to the shade of your natural teeth for a more authentic look. After the resin is added, cured, and polished, you’ll be ready to show off your new smile right away.

Veneers in Studio City
Porcelain Veneers in studio city

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are made of a thin shell of porcelain that’s attached to the outer surface of your teeth. The placement of porcelain veneers often takes two visits. That’s because it includes the removal of a thin layer of your teeth, impressions, and then sending the molds to a lab for veneer creation. These veneers do tend to last longer, on average, than composite veneers.

Invisalign-Guided Veneers

For patients looking to straighten their smile and add veneers, these processes can work in harmony together. We first create a prototype of your desired smile and then use Invisalign to straighten your teeth to fit that prototype before placing your veneers—giving you a straight and healthy grin to feel good about!

Cosmetic makeovers in Studio City

Before & Afters

Considering a smile makeover? Look no further than the stunning results of these gorgeous grins.

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How many veneers do I need?

This varies by individual, so Dr. Lisa will consult with you to determine the best plan for your needs. It’s usually best practice to have an even number of veneers (2, 4, 8, 10, etc.) to produce the most natural aesthetic results.

How long do veneers last?

Composite and porcelain veneers typically last different amounts of time. With composite, an average lifespan is roughly 3 years. This procedure requires less time, making it an ideal option for someone looking to quickly rejuvenate their smile for several years at a time. If you want a longer-lasting option, porcelain veneers typically last 10-15 years. Our Studio City dentist can go over your options with you and take into account your desired results, budget, and timeline, helping you choose the best veneers for you.

Do procedures like veneer placement, white spot treatment, or black triangle closure hurt?

Nope! Our smile makeover services are minimally invasive, designed to reduce discomfort through the use of local anesthetic. If you have any concerns or anxieties about your procedure, we’re always happy to go over them with you beforehand to put your mind at ease.

How much will this cost?

We have several options for payment and are happy to work with you to find the best one that fits within your budget. Our office accepts a variety of insurance plans, in addition to offering different membership plans to keep care affordable and accessible. Get in touch with us today to explore your options or learn more!

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